Abroad on a Budget: Travel Smart, Stress Less!


Author: Rainna Suler

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If you’re wanting to travel but your wallet’s holding you back, this one’s for you. Whether you’re off studying abroad, or on an internship, mindhamok have got your back. Abroad on a Budget: Travel Smart, Stress Less! Traveling on a budget doesn’t mean all hope is lost; all you need are some smart strategies and a few resources. So, let’s travel smart, stress less, and not send our wallets into panic mode! Looking for study abroad and internship opportunities? Here are a couple of options to peruse through:

  1. Accent Global Internships
  2. AIFS Internships
  3. AES Internships

Top 8 Financial Tips & Strategies

  • Set Your Budget

We all wish we had a money tree in our backyard, but unfortunately money doesn’t grow on trees— trust me, I want one too! First things first, let’s get real about budgeting; it’s not always easy. Decide how much you can realistically spend. Break your budget into categories: food, fun, and emergencies.

  • Track Every Penny

Abroad on a Budget: Travel Smart, Stress Less with an expense-tracking app. Say hello to financial peace of mind. Managing your budget can be a bit overwhelming—but no worries! Whether you’re using the popular Monzo app in the UK, relying on international banking apps like Citibank, or tracking expenses with an app in the US called Copilot, you can easily keep tabs on your spending. To make it even easier within the apps, designate money into specific pots. Remember, small daily expenses add up quickly, so keep it simple with budgeting apps and enjoy your stress free adventures!  

  • Pack Smart, Pack Light

Airlines love to charge for extra baggage—don’t give them the satisfaction. Before you fly, pack wisely. What’s your baggage allowance? Have you heard of a packing cube? (Lifesaver!) Pack only what you need. Think versatile clothes, multipurpose shoes, and ditch the “just in case” items. The less you pack, the less you pay—and the less you have to pull around!

  • Eat Like a Local

Skip the tourist traps. Eating where the locals eat is cheaper and gives you an authentic taste of the culture. Visit local markets, try street food, or cook if you have a kitchen. It’s healthier for your wallet and well-being. Plus, you get to enjoy authentic delights like tapas in Spain, pasta in Italy, or croissants in France. Bon appétit!  

  • Use Student Discounts

Your student ID is your golden ticket. Flash it everywhere—museums, transportation, and attractions. Many places offer a sizable discount to students. It’s one of the perks of studying abroad, so use it for all it’s worth! 

  • Walk or Use Public Transport

Cabs and Uber are convenient but they can be pricey. Public transportation is cheap and often the best way to explore. Even better? Walk! It’s free, good for our mental health & wellbeing, and we might stumble upon some secret treasures. Safety is key! Trust your gut, share your location with a friend or family member for peace of mind.Here at mindhamok, safety is our top priority — check out our blog on safety at night.

  • Set Up Alerts

Enable transaction alerts on your banking app. It’s a good way to keep an eye on your spending and catch any suspicious activity. Looking for some peace of mind? Check!

  • Use Local Currency

Whenever possible, pay in the local currency. Some merchants offer to charge your card in your home currency—don’t fall for it! They usually come with pricey fees.

To read the longer version of this, sign up to be a premium member here!

Travel is one of the most liberating things we are able to do, just remember to plan well, use your instincts and be safe, as Mark Twain once said:

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness”.

Put your mind in a hammock and travel with us…

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