Wellness Counselor and Students will helps you understand the highs and lows of your student during their first year at University.
About this event
Join our students and wellbeing pros who will help you navigate the highs, the lows and everything in between during your student’s first year at University.

In this session our team of students will go over various scenarios a Fresher may experience at University. Will discuss some of the impactful situations and challenges they experienced in their first year, how they dealt with them, and grew as a result, with a specific focus on what their parents did that supported this process, as well as what did not help.

To their frank and real life feedback and experience, our Wellness Counselor, Katherine Young, will add and highlight practical advice for you so you can best support your student’s independence and deepen into this new phase of your relationship. Katherine draws upon her many years of working with students and families and offers insights aimed at gracefully negotiating this exciting period of change for students and parents alike.

You will have an opportunity to ask questions directly to the students and the therapist to make sure you leave this webinar well informed as to what your student may experience transitioning to University and how you can support them.


7:30 pm BST – Intro

7:35 pm BST – Katherine Young, wellness counselor will introduce students and share their real life feedback and experiences. Katherine will offer insights aimed at negotiating the opening days of Uni and the first year of this new exciting period.

8:15 pm BST – Q&A

8:30 pm BST – End