Leading with compassion…

compassion blog

Author: Lily Smith

Dealing with difference can be a little tricky, enter… compassion.

Cultural, political, and religious unrest is nothing new, we have always lived with it, yet it can be challenging to deal with the complexities of our identities in relation to the communities we come from (especially when we are far from home!) Currently, with some turbulence around us, it’s easy to forget that many of us are far more alike than we think, and the thread of being human is what runs between us all, no matter where we come from. Let’s talk about compassion.

As the late and truly blinkin’ great Maya Angelou said…

We can learn to see each other and see ourselves in each other and recognize that human beings are more alike than we are unalike.”

When in doubt, lead with compassion….

Conflict is a tricky one. Defending who we are and what we believe is important to many of us, but when doing so it’s important to lead with compassion. With compassion comes an understanding that we may not always agree and that’s ok. Our differences are what makes us unique, and our uniqueness is what adds to the rich tapestries of our identity, and here at mindhamok we’re big fans of tapestries. You know the ones, big pieces of cloth full of different colours, fabrics, and shapes.

Kind of like humans & hammocks? Beautiful!

Protecting your space.

When it gets tough to navigate this, mindhamok are here for you. We know it’s not always easy to be compassionate, or see the beauty in difference, it’s complex and nuanced and that’s ok too.

mindhamok counsellor and diversity specialist Pavan, shares her top tips for protecting your space when it comes to conflict or conversations around difference.

  1. Choice – Do you want to have this discussion? It’s not always necessary to discuss certain topics if you don’t feel comfortable. You’re entitled to politely walk away, or tell somebody that you’d rather not speak about this.
  2. Safety – Are you able to share your feelings and thoughts in a safe and non-judgemental environment? It’s important to get things off your chest – we all need to unload!
  3. Compassion – We love this word. Not only is it important to show compassion to others, it’s also crucial to show it to yourself. It’s ok if you don’t know how you feel, what your opinion is or how you want to move forward. The unknown can sometimes be scary and also exciting, it’s important to be kind to your lovely self. You’re doing brilliantly!

“Compassion doesn’t require us to sacrifice our boundaries but enables us to care deeply whilst also protecting our space. This allows us to understand others but also have an awareness of what is going on for us. Both can exist, it doesn’t have to be one or the other.” – Pavan, 2024

And remember…

Whether you’re just about to start your journey abroad, or you’re heading back home. mindhamok are here for you. You can access counselling wherever you are in the world, as well as a helpline, live chat and lots of tip sheets to help you on your journey of discovery.

When you’re exploring yourself & the world, put your mind in a hammock and lead with compassion.

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